There’s nothing quite as frustrating as an air conditioning unit that has decided to freeze up in the middle of a hot summer day. When summertime temperatures start soaring, you rely on your air conditioner to keep your home cool, comfortable, and safe. There are several potential reasons for an air conditioner to freeze up. Find out more about them today.

1. Dirty Air Filters

The air filter’s primary function is to filter out dust, debris, and other airborne particles from the air that’s drawn into the system for cooling. This is critical for maintaining the air quality within your home or office and keeping the unit’s inner workings clean and functioning at their best.

When air filters get dirty and are not replaced or cleaned regularly, several problems can arise. The most common issue is that the airflow within the system becomes restricted. This is because the layer of dust and debris on the filter creates a barrier that the air has to fight to get through. Consequently, less air is able to pass through the system, making the AC unit work harder to maintain the set temperature.

In addition to reducing the unit’s efficiency, a dirty filter can cause your AC unit to freeze up, leading to the formation of ice on the evaporator coil. The evaporator coil is where the actual cooling happens. The coil contains a refrigerant that absorbs heat from the air. When airflow is restricted due to a dirty filter, there’s insufficient air passing over the evaporator coil to pick up the cooling from the refrigerant. As a result, the coil gets excessively cold and begins to freeze the condensation around it, causing ice to build up.

The ice buildup on the evaporator coil needs to be fixed for a couple of reasons. First, the ice can cause physical damage to the unit as it expands. Secondly, the ice buildup further reduces the airflow through the coil, compounding the initial problem and causing the system to work even harder.


One of the simplest and most effective solutions to prevent this problem is to ensure regular replacement or cleaning of your air filters. As a rule of thumb, air filters should be checked every 30-90 days and replaced if necessary. However, if the AC unit is in a high dust environment or being used frequently, checking and changing the filters might be required more often. This is also the case if you have pets in your home.

2. Faulty Blower Fan

The primary function of the blower fan is to circulate cool air generated by the air conditioning system into your home while concurrently drawing warm air back to the system to be cooled down. If the blower fan is faulty, it fails to properly perform this crucial task. This can lead to a drop in the airflow across the evaporator coil, causing a significant ice buildup.


Contacting an HVAC professional to schedule annual inspections and maintenance of your AC system is an excellent preventative measure in this situation. Such routine checks will ensure that the blower fan and other components are in good working order, promoting efficient operation and preventing problems like the freezing up of your AC system.

Moreover, recognizing the signs of a failing blower fan can help you get ahead of serious issues. Two of these signs include inconsistent air temperature throughout your home, indicating inefficient circulation of cool air, and unusual noises coming from your AC, which could point to a malfunctioning blower fan.

3. Dirty Evaporator Coil

The evaporator coil is filled with refrigerant that changes from a liquid state to a gas as it absorbs heat. However, this process can be significantly hampered if the evaporator coil becomes dirty or obstructed.

The primary issue arises from the reduced heat absorption capacity of a dirty evaporator coil. The layer of dirt and grime acts as an insulator, preventing the coil from absorbing heat efficiently. Consequently, the temperature of the refrigerant within the coil can drop below the standard operating range, leading to freezing.


Cleaning dirty evaporator coils can help prevent expensive breakdowns and prolong the lifespan of your system. You should hire a professional to ensure your HVAC system gets the best cleaning service. HVAC experts are equipped with the expertise and tools to carry out annual maintenance services. Always choose HVAC contractors who are licensed and insured to guarantee high-standard work.

4. Setting Your Thermostat Too Low

When you set your thermostat to an extremely low temperature, your AC unit works overtime to cool your home to the desired temperature. Under normal circumstances, the water condensing on the coil will drip into a drain pan and be expelled from the system.

However, if the unit works continuously because of the low thermostat setting, there’s less time for the condensed water on the evaporator coil to drain. Instead, the intense and unrelenting cold can cause this water to freeze directly on the coil. As this process continues, more and more ice can build up on the evaporator coil.


The best solution is to set the thermostat to a moderate temperature. It’s also important to match the size of the AC unit to your home to avoid short cycles or constant operation leading to freezing. Lastly, adequate home insulation can reduce the need for continuous cooling, further preventing freezing.

5. Low Refrigerant Levels

When your AC unit is low on refrigerant, the pressure and temperature within the system decrease. As a result, the refrigerant doesn’t absorb as much heat as it should from your home’s indoor air. This causes the coil to get excessively cold, which in turn, causes the humidity in the surrounding air to freeze onto the coil.


If you suspect that your air conditioner might be freezing up due to low refrigerant levels, you should first turn off the system. This will allow the ice to melt and prevent further damage to the unit. However, this is just a temporary solution.

The best course of action is to contact a professional HVAC technician. Attempting to refill the refrigerant yourself can be dangerous. Moreover, since low refrigerant often implies a leak somewhere in the system, the technician will also inspect your AC for any leaks and repair them if necessary.

Get Professional Help Today!

Are you having trouble with your AC? Our professional team is ready to provide expert assistance right here in Greensboro, NC and the entire Triad area. We specialize in a wide range of services, including cooling solutions such as AC installation, repair, and maintenance. When the weather cools down, we’ve got you covered with heating solutions, including furnace and heat pump services. We also offer comprehensive solutions for all your plumbing, electrical, and roofing needs. Reach out to Aurora Pro Services Heating, Air, Plumbing, Electrical, & Roofing today, and experience the professionalism, skill, and dedication that set us apart.

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