Anyone who’s ever owned a home is likely familiar with the feelings of panic and dread that come with a toilet that’s backing up. After flushing, they watch as the water level in the bowl starts rising. They scramble to turn off the water supply before it’s too late. If they’re lucky, they are fast enough to avoid the toilet overflowing on the floor. The job’s not done, though. Now they’ve got to find a plunger to deal with the clog that’s to blame for the problem, but there’s a way they could have avoided the problem entirely. If you refrain from flushing things that can cause or contribute to clogs, you can keep your toilet flushing properly.

Here are 12 things you should avoid ever flushing down your toilet.

1. Paper Towels or Tissues

Although you may not realize it, toilet paper is designed to break apart in water and is generally safe to flush down your toilet. On the other hand, paper towels and tissues aren’t designed the same way. Their job is to absorb liquids without falling apart. If you flush them down your toilet, they’re going to do what they were designed to do, which can lead to a clog.

2. Flushable Wipes

Flushable wipes, despite their name, are not really flushable, and you should avoid sending them down the toilet. Although they will break down in water, they’re much tougher than toilet paper. If you use too many of them, they will form a clog, which is why almost every flushable wipe brand instructs you to use only one per flush. The manufacturers know that any more than that will lead to plumbing problems.

3. Cotton Balls or Swabs

Even though cotton balls appear soft and pliable enough to make it down the drain pipe of your toilet, they’re not. Instead, they may get hung up inside your drain and lead to a clog. Worse, cotton balls do not break down in the water, so once they’re lodged in your drain, they’re not going anywhere. The same is true of cotton swabs, which will have a similar effect on your toilet.

4. Feminine Products

Just like paper towels and tissues, feminine products like tampons and sanitary pads absorb water. They also don’t break down over time and will continue to absorb long after their use is no longer needed. You need to throw feminine hygiene products away rather than flushing them down the toilet. Failing to throw them away could lead to a serious clog, a big mess, and a bigger plumbing bill.

5. Hair

Although it won’t cause a clog by itself, hair tends to stick to the insides of pipes, where it can snag other passing material and cause trouble. For that reason, you should never flush hair down your toilet, even if it’s just a few strands you’ve pulled from a comb. Instead, throw it away to save yourself some future headaches.

6. Dental Floss

Just like hair, dental floss will stick to the inside of pipes and act like an anchor that accumulates passing material and forms a clog. Worse still, it’s much stronger than hair, so it’s far harder to dislodge once it’s stuck in a drain. Therefore, you should never flush dental floss and should throw it away where it can’t do any harm.

7. Bandages or Band-Aids

Cotton bandages and plastic or fabric band-aids are also on the list of things you should never flush down your toilet. The cotton bandages won’t break down in the water and can easily lead to a clog. And band-aids could stick to the insides of your pipes and lead to plumbing issues further down the line. In both cases, avoid your toilet and dispose of these items in the garbage.

8. Expired Medication

If you’re not already aware, it’s never a good idea to take expired medication and you should always dispose of it instead. Just don’t try to do it by flushing your expired medication down your toilet. Although they are unlikely to cause a clog, they qualify as hazardous waste that you don’t want going down your drains. If possible, you should take your expired medicines to a drug take-back location. If you’re not sure how to find one, consult your local pharmacist, who should know where to direct you.

9. Cooking Oil or Fat

You’ve probably heard the saying that oil and water don’t mix. It’s more than just a saying, though, it’s the truth! That’s why you should never flush oil down your toilet. They might build up and solidify in your pipes, causing your toilet to back up. The same thing goes for fat drippings that accumulate when you cook. When fat cools, it will turn into a solid, forming a clog that you won’t easily dislodge.

10. Cat Litter

These days, most cat owners use clumping litter because it makes cleaning up a litter box much easier. However, you should never flush any of your cat’s litter down your toilet. The clumping variety is almost certain to cause a clog. Even the non-clumping clay litter can cause problems because it will turn into sludge that will block your pipes.

11. Cigarette Butts

Another thing that should never get near your toilet is cigarette butts. For one thing, they float, making them hard to flush successfully. For another, they can clog your drain even if you do succeed. That’s not even touching the issue of the chemicals they’ll release into your drains. You’re better off disposing of cigarette butts the old-fashioned way – in the garbage can.

12. Too Much Toilet Paper

Last but not least, you should try to avoid flushing large quantities of toilet paper down your toilet all at once. You should always try to minimize your toilet paper use since it will help you avoid clogged toilets. If you need to use more than a small amount, consider flushing a portion of it, waiting for the toilet to refill, and then flushing the rest. It might use more water but will prevent your toilet from backing up. Of course, if you’re worried more about your water bills than your toilet’s well-being, you can take your chances with a single flush. Just make sure you’re ready to turn off the water supply to your toilet in a hurry if necessary.

Your Local Plumbing Specialists

If you follow our advice and avoid flushing the 12 things on our list above, you should be able to avoid clogged toilets for the majority of the time. However, if your toilets keep clogging no matter what you do, call Aurora Pro Services Heating, Air, Plumbing, Electrical, & Roofing for help. We offer comprehensive plumbing services to residents in Greensboro, NC, and the surrounding area, including drain cleaning. We also offer heating, cooling, electrical, and roofing services, too. So, no matter what kind of service your home requires, there’s a good chance we can provide it.

For drain cleaning and a whole lot more here in Greensboro, call the experts at Aurora Pro Services Heating, Air, Plumbing, Electrical, & Roofing today!

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