There’s no denying that North Carolina gets some nasty storms throughout the year. Unfortunately, these storms can wreak havoc on your home, specifically your roof. A professional roof inspection after a storm hits is a great way to ensure your roof is repaired as quickly as possible.

Major Debris

One of the first things your roof inspector will do is assess your home for any major debris. Items like tree branches that may have fallen during the storm could have damaged your roof. Your roofer will work to remove any major debris so that they can assess the state of the roofing beneath it.


Next, they’ll examine your shingles. As they walk over your roof, they’ll check for missing sections of shingles. These should be replaced immediately to ensure your roof maintains a watertight seal. They’ll also look for other signs of damage to your shingles, such as curling, cracks, and excessive wear.

In the event of a hailstorm, the chunks of falling ice hail can cause tremendous roof damage. From cracking the shingles and making indentations in them to forcing their granules off, hail is a big problem. Getting your roof inspected after a hail storm is an absolute necessity to ensure it gets the repairs it needs.


Metal flashing is used around susceptible areas of your roof to divert water down onto the shingles and off the vulnerable points. This flashing is typically found near the chimney, vents, and roof valleys. It’s not uncommon for high-force winds to rip the flashing out of its designated position. Even a small bend in the flashing can leave your roof susceptible to water damage. Your roof inspector will closely examine the flashing on your roof and make fixes where necessary.


The gutter system on your home has an extremely important job of removing excess water. When working correctly, your gutters should collect rainwater and divert it away from your home’s foundation. When a roofing inspector comes to examine your house after a storm, they’ll look in all of your gutters to see if there’s any excess debris. They’ll examine all of the joints and ensure they’re properly sealed so that no water leaks. Additionally, they’ll ensure that all of your outward spouts are draining well away from your home’s foundation.

Soffit and Fascia

Two other components of your roof that you likely don’t hear enough about after a storm are the fascia and soffit. Your roof’s fascia is the front-facing section that connects the roofline to your siding. This feature makes your home aesthetically pleasing and provides a drip edge for water to be diverted to a safe area.

Your soffit is the underside of the roofing lip. Depending on your home’s design, this soffit may have air holes or be completely closed off. The soffit works to keep pests and water out of your home while preventing unnecessary wood rot. If a nasty storm has ripped off even just a couple of sections of soffit or fascia, they should be repaired fairly quickly. All the components of your roof work in unison to ensure adequate protection from the weather.

Sooner Rather Than Later

After a bad storm blows through your area, it’s time to call in your roofing professionals. Unfortunately, many homeowners don’t call right away because they don’t notice the damage at first. Over time, the weakened roofing materials will start to allow water to seep into your home. This can create a large amount of damage if left unchecked.

It’s important to note that your insurance company will likely have a short reporting window when it comes to storm damage to your home. While many insurance companies will give you up to a year, some will give you less. If you don’t report the damage in that reporting window, they can simply deny your claim. Getting your roof inspected by a licensed roofing professional is a great way to learn if you have damage so you can quickly file a claim with your homeowner’s insurance company.

Filing a Claim

If damage was done to your roof from the passing storm, you’ll want to let your insurance company know. They will schedule an appointment to send an adjustor out to your home to determine the extent of the damage and how much it will cost to correct the situation. Once the adjustor inspects your roof, your insurance company will write you a check for the coverage amount determined by your adjustor. At this point, you will hire a roofing contractor to fix your roof.

It’s important always to get a second opinion when it comes to assessing your roof. Calling in a roofing professional to assess the damage to your roof after a storm hits is a great idea. They can typically give you a repair estimate on sight that you can use when speaking with your insurance company. This can help provide you with peace of mind when determining if your insurance company is giving you the right amount of funds to fix your damaged roof.

Preventing Roof Damage

You can take various steps to prevent having to deal with roof damage from a thunderstorm. While these actions can’t always eliminate the possibility of damage to your roof, they can greatly reduce it. First and foremost, you should make sure that your gutters are clear before any major storm. Any debris that is stuck inside your gutters can hinder the ability of water to flow freely through them. This could lead to a backup of water on your roof and cause damage underneath your shingles.

The next proactive step you’ll want to take to prepare your roof for a nasty storm is to check your surroundings. If there are any low-hanging branches, trim them off. If you have objects outside that aren’t anchored to the ground, consider moving them. Nasty windstorms can pick up unsecured objects and cause them to take flight.

If your home was constructed before hurricane straps became a popular safety option, you may want to consider investing in them. These simple metal straps tie your roofing structure to the walls of your home. Hurricane straps provide extra support to hold your roof to the rest of your house during significant wind-force events.

It’s also important to note that having your roof inspected on a regular basis is a great way to help prepare for any storm. If there’s underlying damage before a storm hits, the storm will likely exacerbate the problem. With regular roof inspections, you can fix small problems to prevent them from turning into larger issues later.

Your Reliable Roofing Service in Greensboro

Our team at Aurora Pro Services Heating, Air, Plumbing, Electrical, & Roofing provides reliable roofing service to the entire Greensboro, NC, region. We can also help with all of your plumbing, heating, cooling, electrical, and ducting needs. Simply contact our office today to schedule an appointment with a skilled roofer

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